
multimatch-gaze is a Python-based reimplementation of the MultiMatch algorithm (Jarodzka, Holmqvist & Nyström, 2010). The original Matlab toolbox was kindly provided via email by Dr. Richard Dewhurst and the method was ported into Python with the intent of providing an open source alternative to the Matlab toolbox.

The module provides the possibility to compute the similarity of two scan paths with a terminal command or within a Python instance (see section API).

Getting started


It is recommended to use a dedicated virtualenv.

# create and enter a new virtual environment (optional)
virtualenv --python=python3 ~/env/multimatch
. ~/env/multimatch/bin/activate

Via pip install

multimatch-gaze can be installed via pip (Pip Installs Python). To automatically install multimatch-gaze with all dependencies (pandas, numpy, argparse) type:

pip install multimatch-gaze

Via Github

The source code for multimatch-gaze can be found on Github.

A short tutorial…

… session to get a first hang on how to use multimatch-gaze can be conducted by cloning the Github repository and executing the examples provided in the API section. The data used in these examples corresponds to the data found in the repository.


All bugs, concerns and enhancement requests for this software can be submitted here. All contributions, be it in the form of an issue or a pull-request, are always welcome. If you wish to test the functionality of multimatch-gaze locally, for example prior to a pull-request, install pytest and run the following command from the root of the repository:

python -m pytest

python -m pytest -s -v


We thank Dr. Richard Dewhurst for kindly and swiftly providing the original Matlab code for the MultiMatch toolbox via e-mail and being supportive of an open source implementation.